New Year's Goals and Resolutions

We are officially kicking off a new year! If you are like me, this year is starting off with a whole slue of emotions. There’s a mix of excitement, hopefulness, readiness for something new but also, a little fear and anxiousness as we certainly are not out of the woods with the pandemic just yet and are still dealing with a lot of uncertainly when it comes to planning events for the new year. This is definitely making us think cautiously and carefully about our plans, goals and resolutions for the new year. But, 2021 is here and it will happen, with or without us. So, I am trying to continue to push myself to grow, improve and thrive no matter what this year throws at us.

One of the things that gets me excited about a new year is writing down my goals, both personal and professional, for the year. Before I do that, I like to go back, look over and audit my previous year. Something I learned from the awesome Rachel Hollis (if you are a business owner and aren’t familiar with Rachel or her podcast, I highly recommend this episode on Apple Podcasts). I go through my entire previous year and write down all of the things that I did, I accomplished, I created, etc. Then I go over that list and categorize those items as either a waste of time/money/effort or a valuable choice/moment/event. The items listed as a valuable choice/moment/event are things that I truly enjoyed or brought value either financially or emotionally to my life in a personal or professional way. The items listed as a waste of time/money/effort are then items that I re-evaluate for my goals and things I will avoid in the future. This looks different for everyone but it helps me to be aware of the things that cost me but add no value back to my life, bank account or time in any way. I use these lists as a spring board to help me create my new years goals and resolutions.

After doing my 2020 audit this year, I learned what things I was doing well in my business and the things I could improve on in my business and I wrote down the things that I wanted to work or improve or continue with in the new year. Here are some of the things that are on my list of goals for my business in 2021.

My Business Goals for 2021

  1. Be More Intentional - I want to be more intentional with my relationships, my money and of course, my time. My time is something that I cannot get back and so I want to make sure that I am using my time more wisely. I want to be more strategic with my funds as I grow this business. I want to build on the relationships that I have already made or continue to make in the wedding industry with my clients and vendors/professionals and create meaningful and beneficial friendships and strong working relationships that will add value to the lives of everyone involved.

  2. Stop The Comparison - Comparison syndrome in the wedding industry is so real. It’s hard to look at other pros in your field and see them booking more weddings, doing bigger things, being lightyears ahead of you in their business and comparing yourself to them. But, I have to remind myself that they didn’t get there overnight, just like I’m not getting there overnight. It’s not easy to build a business. Plus, they aren’t me. I am me. I get to choose where I go with this business and what I do with my future and it’s ok for me to focus on the things that I think will be the best for my business, my clients and for me even if that looks different then what other people are doing. I don’t have to be like them. I just need to be the best version of me and me is enough. Something I plan to make sure to remind myself regularly in 2021.

  3. Focus on Quality over Quantity - If 2020 has taught us anything, it was to focus on the things that really matter. Over the last five years of owning my business, I have jumped at so many different opportunities that it has drained me in so many different ways. Which is something I feel like most small business owners do in the first few years of business because we just want to build a business and create a name for ourselves and it’s totally normal. But, I tend to get so excited about all the things that I end up putting too much on my own plate and then completely burning myself out. Anyone else relate to that? So, in 2021 I want to make sure that when I agree to opportunities, it’s something that really lights me up inside and will be something that I can be proud of at the end of the day. I want to focus on creating quality events, shoots, services, relationships and connections. It doesn’t matter how many followers I have on Instagram or how many events I do in a year. What’s more important to me is that I am creating events that are beautiful, elegant and my own and that I build strong connections with my followers, my friends and my couples.

  4. Self Care - This was something we have heard so much of in 2020 because, it is so important. Self care looks different for everyone but, self care means doing things that fill your cup. That fill your soul. For me, that means taking time to be with my husband, my family and my kitties. It means getting coffee with my girlfriends. It means therapy. It means getting my nails done, taking 5 minutes to stop at Dunkin, playing with my cat on the floor in my living room, stopping in HomeGoods just to browse the aisles. Most of the time, it’s nothing big but, it adds so much to my well being and it helps fill my cup so that when I step back into my business each day, I am bringing my best self and I can pour into my couples and my job in the best ways possible.

There are many more things that I have on my goals list for the year but, I wanted to share these things with you because I hope that some of these goals might inspire you to focus on the things that are important to you in 2021. We have a whole new year ahead us. A blank slate. I know I want to fill it with amazing things and I know you do too so, let’s get out there and make 2021 awesome, Friends!

Happy New Year Goal Setting!




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