Build A Wedding Vendor Team That You Genuinely Connect With

This one seems like a no brainer, right? Well, couples make decisions on vendors for their weddings based on lots of different things and sometimes they forget to make sure that they genuinely connect with the vendor they are hiring. Sometimes our decisions on vendors are based on convenience, the prestige that the vendors name carry’s in the industry, a need to simply check it off the to-do list or the biggest one, price. These are all important things to consider when selecting your vendors but, the one I believe is the most important is the connection you have with that individual vendor.

Hiring your wedding pros is a very important step in the process because they are the people who make up your team. They are your wedding foundation. When you have a good team of people you trust, you will feel more relaxed and more confident in the way your wedding day will turn out.

When you feel a genuine connection to a vendor, it immediately starts building a bond between you and them. That bond builds trust, respect and honesty between you which makes your foundation that much stronger. Chances are that when you feel a genuine connection to your wedding vendors, they feel it too. Which can make the process feel far less stressful and much more like you are creating a wedding with a team of good friends by your side.

It’s ok not to connect with every vendor. There will be vendors that won’t feel like the right fit for you and that is ok. Not every vendor is right for every couple. We all work a little differently. Sometimes we might offer the same services but, we are all different people which means we have different personalities and different ways we like to run our businesses and work with clients. It’s ok to not feel those sparks or vibes with every vendor. But, when you do feel the vibes, you know they are right for you. That might look like a vendor being completely on the same page with you about your wedding plans and ideas. Maybe your personalities mesh well together or maybe they make you feel at ease and comfortable. Whatever that good vibe is that they give you, listen to it. Sometimes we really just need to trust our guts and our intuitions.

When you don’t genuinely connect with your wedding pros, this can sometimes lead to friction, frustration, disappointment and overwhelm. But, connecting with the human behind the business can often make communication, planning and coordination much smoother and far less stressful.

As a Wedding Planner, for example, when you reach out to me and we build that immediate connection with each other, we both feel that. I want you to feel comfortable with me. I want you to feel like you can trust me and know that I have your wedding’s best interests at heart. I want you to feel like I have your back and that I see the same vision that you see for your wedding day. It’s about creating mutual trust and respect which makes the process so much better for everyone.

So, when you are making your vendor selections for your wedding day, make sure you take a moment to listen to yourself. Is the connection there, do you love the business and the human you are connecting with? If the answer is yes, then take the next step. If the answer is no, then walk away. It’s your wedding day and it’s your team. Make sure you have the best people for you, on your team.

Happy Planning!




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