What's Actually In My Emergency Kit?

Wedding Emergency Kits are something we as Wedding Planners are very familiar with. You may have seen or even purchased things like this online before like a mini Bridal or Bridesmaid Emergency Kit. Little kits that include things like a needle and thread, clear and white nail polish, Bandaids, tissues and Tylenol. So, what does a Wedding Planner’s Emergency Kit include? Well, I am going to give you a glimpse into my own personal Wedding Planner Emergency Kit.

As a Wedding Planner, it’s my job to be as prepared as possible on your wedding day. Before your wedding, I am working with you, your venue and your wedding professionals to create a seamless plan of action for your wedding day. That includes carefully organized and detailed timelines, floor plans, back up plans, and even a well stocked handy kit full of items and tools to help me ensure you and your guests have a wonderful wedding experience. My Wedding Planner Emergency Kit goes with me to every wedding, rehearsal, and styled shoot that I do because, you never know what could happen and I like to be extra prepared, just in case. *Insert wink here.

So, let’s get down to it and talk about what actually is in this kit. Let’s start with the personal care items. Inside my Emergency Kit, you will find items such as…

  • Deodorant spray

  • Natural Lotion/Sunscreen/Bug Spray (thank you Four R Benefit!)

  • Disposable Shaving Razors

  • Tampons and Pads

  • Tweezers/Nail Clippers/Nail Files/Nail Polish

  • Wipes & tissues

  • Bandaids

  • Perfume

  • Eye Drops

  • Floss

  • Cotton Balls & Q-tips

It also includes attire and hair mishap items like:

  • A Mini Sewing Kit w/ Needles & Thread

  • Invisible Fabric/Fashion Tape

  • Button Pull Tool (for those button back wedding gowns)

  • Lint Roller

  • Safety Pins (in various sizes)

  • Backup necklace latches

  • Superglue

  • Extra Pearl Boutonniere Pins

  • Mini mirror

  • Straws to keep your lipstick fresh (while you sip beverages before your Ceremony)

  • A Stain Remover Stick

  • Fabric Spray

  • Bobby Pins, Hair Spray, and even a Disposable Brush and Comb

I also carry gum, mints and mouth wash for fresh breath and even individual use lip balms and lip colors for chapped lips and touch ups.

You’ll also find things like a clear umbrella, personal mini fan, extra bottled water to keep you hydrated, and individually packaged high protein snacks to keep energy up during pictures.

There are also things in my kit to help me do some of the things behind the scenes on your wedding day too. Some of these items include:

  • Scissors

  • Long Stem Lighters

  • Chalkboard Markers

  • Extra Pens & White Out

  • Tape

  • Floral Cutters

  • Staple Gun

  • Wire/Zip Ties (my personal favorite)

I also carry a back up cake cutting set, and back up table numbers and stands set because on occasion, those items can be forgotten and I have had that happen in the past. It also includes (in lieu of the recent global pandemic) rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes, and even a face mask, just in case.

There you have it, the contents of my personal Wedding Planner Emergency Kit. I am sure I have probably forgotten an item or two from this list but, I think you get the point. I come well prepared for your wedding and any possible scenarios. It’s just one of my special Wedding Planner superpowers. *Wink, wink.

Feel free to use some of these ideas to help build your own kit to help you be a bit more prepared for your wedding day. If you would prefer to leave the preparedness up to the professionals, reach out. I would love to help keep you personally prepared for your special day!

Happy Planning!




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